bio 2011
The Cute Lepers are 100% proof that '77 punk
rock/powerpop in the vein of Generation X, Buzzcocks, and The Boys
is timeless in both sound and spirit.
Since their arrival on the scene in 2007,
they've toured the US and Europe extensively, released two
critically acclaimed LP's (�Can't Stand Modern Music� & �Smart
Accessories�), as well as numerous limited 7� singles, most of which
have been on trademark coloured vinyl!
With their Motown - esque girl pop harmonies
and dance moves, flipped fingers to what's supposedly hip and
happening, and love of the Rolling Stones, they have distilled their
influences to create something exceptionally fresh, rude and
absolutely worthy of damaging your ears. The new album Adventure
Time is due for an April 5th release, and is a continuation of where
they left off: striving for a killer pop song while keeping both
feet ankle deep in the dirt of first wave punk.
The band is: confused by Steve E. Nix-
vocals, guitar
totally underrated according to Brian
Yeager- guitar, vocals
in perpetual awe of Kicks- bass,
like a very nice hot bath to Josh
Blisters- Drums, vocals
terrified of Prisila Ray- tambourine,
vocals, moves
"becoming more like Slade, cool!" Duffy-
tambourine, vocals, moves
Three LP's in, the Cute Lepers
continue to enjoy playing shows around the world, meeting new cool
people and hanging out with old friends. As well as bonafide heroes
of ours that we get to talk about guitars and various stupid to
absurd topics with... and then watch them tear it up on stage.
Actually, I think we're in it for the gigs with the Adicts and The
Boys and the Swinging Utters and the UK Subs and the Buzzcocks when
you get down to it. Really really love punk rock, want to
contribute, and want to be where the action is! --Steve E. Nix
"... the Lepers are
cooking with crack. The spiky, power-pop bounce recalls a polished
Fastbacks or Modern Lovers huffing the Vapors off Descendents.
There's hardly a missed stop from the opening blast..."
Parker, Alternative Press
"The Cute Lepers
remind listeners how much variety there used to be in punk's early
days by rolling that era's range of influences into one
Becker, Venus Zine
"It's always a good
sign when you find yourself reaching to turn up the stereo song
after song, and by the end of this I think people three cities down
could hear this blasting from my car's stereo speakers."
Jimmy Alvarado,
"The debut album
from this Seattle band led by ex-Briefs guitarist Steve E. Nix is an
energetic set of punkish power-pop rooted in the more melodic bands
of Britain's '70s punk movement (the Buzzcocks, Undertones,
Vibrators, Generation X). In other words, they're similar to the
music of Nix's former band, but with a bit less punk attitude and
more unabashedly pop in approach, putting them closer to the sound
of Portland's late great Exploding Hearts (though not as
deliberately lo-fi)."
Don Yates,
"This album is a
collection of cheery, choral anthems that for me, recapture that
anti-hero spirit of the late '70s punk scene. If The Cute Lepers
lead singer, Steve E. Nix, had an English accent, I could very well
be listening to Stiff Little Fingers or Sham 69. The consistent
melodic guitar leads in the song "Terminal Boredom" conjures up an
image of Doc Martens and the working class...totally contrary to the
striped shirt wearing peglegged kids that cross my mind when I hear
the phrase 'power pop.'"
Astra, Easy Street
Records "Locals Only" blog

Go here to contact The Cute Lepers
hi rez photos and logos
Please use these photos for press and blogs. Thanks!
Color Promo Photo -

300 dpi CuteLepers at KEXP 7.7 Mb

300 dpi CuteLepers at KEXP 8.1 Mb
photo credit Victoria VanBruinisse
Logo -
Lepers Red Logo, 300 dpi, 44566 kb
Lepers Red Logo, 72 dpi, 44 kb
Cute Lepers Black Logo, 72 dpi, 44 kb
Tour Poster Downloads! CLICKY CLICKY!!! -

Adventure Time cover-
300 dpi Cute Lepers Adventure Time 7531 kb
72 dpi Cute Lepers Adventure Time 723 kb
Older sized for web
CuteLepersPromo1 CuteLepersPromo2 CuteLepersPromo3 CuteLepersPromo4
Photo credit Zombie Crush
Smart Accessories cover -
Cute Lepers Smart Acccessories cover, 300 dpi, 5,148
Cute Lepers Smart Accessories cover, 72 dpi, 724